“What kind of a blog is e-cloudy?” – I get that a lot from those who actually browse e-cloudy and gets confused as to what exactly is e-cloudy all about. It is about opinions and things that matters on the internet. It is about heavy traffic from google (using naked pictures) and expressing my opinions about religion among other things.
The word ‘agnostic’ means two different things. One meaning is a person who doesn’t know whether God exists or not. The other is someone who believes in God but doesn’t think much can be known about him.
e-cloudy started it’s journey in the year 1991 as NewsDigest print edition. Then in 2000 NewsDigest was an online based news and tech magazine based in Manila Philippines. By 2004 the name was updated to eNewsDigest.com. The name e-cloudy.com was adapted in the year 2010.
About the Author :
2000-2001 : Sonny O. worked at OnlineBrands Inc Makati City, Manila, Philippines where he was the 3D/Web Developer for an Hong Kong based American company.
2001-2004 : Sonny O. started working at MacAcademy (iimat.edu.my) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as an English Instructor/Web developer/IT admin. MacAcademy (now iimat) is an International Institute of Management and Technology.
2004-2008 : Sonny O. worked at ESSCO IT Dhaka, Bangladesh as the Information Manager/Web developer.
2008 – 2012 : Sonny O. ‘s expertise lay in managing a qualified team of developers whose talent were developing world-class digital productions for the REDWORKS (Ogilvy & Mather’s) New York office. His aim was to ensure flawless work-flow management and on-time production delivery of assigned projects from various Asian based regional hubs and New York central office.
Sonny O.’s Skill set lies in using Adobe Flash Advanced level Action Script banner ( AS3 ) development , Rich media banner adaptation & XML based Production development. Omar is also a Dreamweaver developer with which he develops eDM, electronic direct mail using CSS & HTML codings .
Another skill set lies in developing Storyboard for Flash and Web using Adobe Photoshop.Most recently he has gained experiences working with HTML5 (CSS3/JQuery/HTML) web-development platform.
He is currently maintaining his website e-cloudy.com using the WORDPRESS platform which has been customized using .php language.He is also the vector artist of FACECOMICS/TOON TOON Comics.
UPDATES December 2012 : Redworks closes Bangladesh hub.
UPDATES January 2013 : Sonny O. is now a full time Freelancer and a Blogger at e-cloudy.com publishing original articles.
UPDATES January 2014 : Sonny O. has moved to an “Undisclosed Location” to continue writing on e-cloudy, as it has become impossible to do so in Bangladesh.
I live in Bangladesh the United States of America, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God – sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.