Bollywood Actress Veena convicted of blasphemy in Pakistan

Veena Malik has been convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to 26-year jail term by a Pakistani anti-terrorism court for her ‘malicious acts in a TV drama’.

The Bollywood actress appeared in a “pretend” wedding scene, staged on a daytime show broadcast by Geo TV Pakistan which was based on the marriage of the Prophet Mohammed’s daughter.

The telecast sparked a wave of controversy in the strict conservative Islamic country when it aired last May, despite the fact similar scenes had been aired in the past to little or no such public outrage. Only Veena Malik had posed semi-naked on several occasions which makes her unholy or hell-bound according to the religious beliefs of Pakistan.

She sparked outrage back in 2011 after posing bare chested for a series of indecent pictures for FHM magazine.

She was depicted on the front cover of the men’s magazine with her arms and legs positioned to cover her boobs, with the letters ‘ISI’ ( Inter-Services Intelligence agency) were tattooed on her arm.

“The malicious acts of the proclaimed offenders ignited the sentiments of all the Muslims of the country and hurt the feelings, which cannot be taken lightly and there is need to strictly curb such tendency,” the court order reads.

However, Malik may not actually end up serving her sentence, as currently she is residing in Dubai with her newly married husband.

“I have faced highs and lows in my life. But I am sure I haven’t done anything wrong.” Veena said.
As well as a hefty jail term, Veena was also ordered to pay a fine of 3 million rupees ($12,500), surrender her passport and sell up all her properties.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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