Stonehearst Asylum is for the Sane

I have not been watching Hollywood movies for awhile now. That would be because whenever I browse for movies on NETFLIX I select one and start to watch only to close the window 15 or sometimes 25 minutes into the movie.

Or I fall asleep before that. That has been so since the last 6 months or so, till I came across the movie called Stonehearst Asylum.

A recent medical school grad who takes a position at a mental institution soon finds himself taken with one of his colleagues — though he has no initial idea of a recent, horrifying staffing change.

I must say I was “hooked” to this movie from the 15 minutes onward’s and til the very end. A movie has not gripped me like this since the late 2013’s. This movie was something to write about so I am.

This is a movie where the sane people of the world are portrayed as insane and the insane people are portrayed as sane. In the world that we live in now, one must say that this movie makes sense. The religious conflicts and the ongoing wars would of course make the leaders of the world look completely INSANE if they were at the Stonehearst Asylum.


What sane leaders would allow such barbaric cruelty to continue on the face of the Earth in this day and age? Only this leaders who were fit for the Asylum.

Watch the movie as I do not want to spoil the suspense’s for you, cause this movie packs a lot of it. Also this movie is actually based on a noel by Sir Edgar Allen Poe. Some of you who have read his novels may already know what’s in store in the movie plots.


Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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