Canada makes it legal for Humans to give Blow-jobs to Pet Animals

A lower court in Canada initially sentenced a Canadian man named D.L.W to 14 years in prison for putting peanut butter on his teenage stepdaughter’s vagina so the dog would lick it off while he photographed it and uploaded it to the internet. The judge ruled that bestiality includes “touching between a person and an animal for a person’s sexual purpose.” Bestiality was just one of the several charges he was convicted of based on the description of the incident.

Then, an appeals court acquitted him of the conviction, and the Queen appealed the acquittal to the Supreme Court. The court maintained that D.L.W. was off the hook, blaming Parliament’s definition of bestiality. The ruling demonstrates bestiality laws are out of date. The court decision explains that animals have not been included in any of the revisions to Criminal Code, and bestiality has retained the same definition it had when it was introduced in 1892 as “buggary.”

“The term ‘bestiality’ has a well-established legal meaning and refers to sexual intercourse between a human and an animal. Penetration has always been understood to be an essential element of bestiality,” the decision reads. “Parliament may wish to consider whether the present provisions adequately protect children and animals. But it is for Parliament, not the courts to expand the scope of criminal liability for this offense.”

Bestiality is actually legal in many parts of the U.S. and is highlighted in the news every so often. So according to the Canadian Supreme Court rule, sex with animals is LEGAL, as long as there’s no penetration.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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