WordPress needs to get its act together

WordPress needs to get its act together…

Okay, so e-cloudy database and WordPress website collapsed. This time it collapsed bad. Nothing remained of the two year old database of around 230mb worth of data. No recovery process worked and this time it was gone for good.

Some regular e-cloudy visitors may notice that some of the original content was restored. That is because and thanks to the magic of the apple iPad back up and google search cached search results. Without which the whole of the original work would have disappeared forever.

How did WordPress collapse on e-cloudy for the 17th time? Simple, trying to run two plugins and website crawl all together.That was enough to corrupt 230mb worth of articles, pictures and user comments! That even wrecked the MySQL service of my hosting server.

Because the original articles were written using the iPad and published directly using iPad WordPress app the data remains save. The e-cloudy published using the iPad concept paid off big time. Thanks to apple and Steve Jobs.

WordPress is a fantastic platform, but it needs to be much more stronger and reliable. I am still using WordPress on the restored e-cloudy website, but this time there is an additional task of keeping each and every article and pictures backed up both offline and on desktop ; also google drive cloud services is coming is handy.

My brother did mention WordPress has a Dropbox connect plugin which helps to keep automated backup of the entire WordPressdatabase. Here is a link to that plugin ; WORDPRESS BACK-UP TO DROPBOX.

Writing is fun and rewarding only when you can preserve it for a period of decades not years WordPress.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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