Chennai Express in America

I got to admit, I am still not a BIG fan of Bollywood yet. But my wife has not given up on me and so she took me to another Bollywood movie premier while we are on a visit here in Florida, USA.


Yes, Bollywood movies are getting released in the United States as well. Sharukh Khan is quite popular with the Americans as well as he is popular with the South Asians. Which was quite surprising to me, as I thought this USA would be more of a “Tom Cruise” land.

I will not go into the details of the movie, go and watch it and you will find out why I am writing a report about it. The movie was a first-class entertainer and one that really thrilled me to the bones! – also made me fall off my seat laughing hard at times. Just a week back we watched a 3D animated movie (Despicable Me 2) in the very same theater and sorry to tell you the truth but I can’t remember what I saw in that animated movie and neither does my wife.

It was an odd experience and one we forgot very fast about after not even trying to remember it. Chennai express on the other hand leaves you with an impression created directly in your mind, an impression which makes you have a big smile on your face after you come out of the theater, which in turn tells everyone looking at you that you have just been “entertained” heavily.

Movies are made and are there to entertain us, right? – and not make us feel miserable and colorless after watching.This Bollywood movie makes you want to watch and listen to the songs again and again after you come back home. You want to YouTube and Google search the scenes and cuts on you computer. Also try and find the making of and meet the directors/producers who produced such a hit both in India, UK and the US.

Bollywood I am IMPRESSED! keep up the extraordinary work of entertaining people in a way which promotes colors,love, passion and hope.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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