Counterfeit microSD card wrecking havoc in android devices

MicroSD cards are must have things on any android based device that has an option for a microSD card slot. Recently there are a lot ofandroid device crashing and burning (literally) making hardware manufactures baffled and nervous. Obvious blame goes to android os which most users sometimes point out – due to its high hardware demands for computing.
But the reality is cheap unathorised microSD cards mostly made by cheap chinese manufactures have flooded most of the asian market. These microSD cards are dirt cheap and highly dangerous with reports surfacing of the cards overheating and in turn damaging the motherboard or simply killing off entire hardware parts of the android device altogether.
Some reports stated that the microSD card cracked up while still inside the device. Buying an expensive smartphone or a tablet is hard on the wallet so for most buying an inexpensive microSD card is the most practical thing to do, or so we all think.
This is where Apple devices gets an upper hand. Apple has no microSD slots to begin with! So in order to save your android device and give it a longer life – buy branded microSD only.