Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch – Screen too #!@$ small!

Samsung has gone and done it – again. They have unveiled the future of gadgets and it comes in the shape and size of a watch. Oh wait, it IS a watch. The screen size of the watch (when originally invented) was to accommodate the time and perhaps sometimes the date function. Now we are hearing that Samsung has managed to squeeze in a smartphone inside that pathetic screen size. Now imagine reading your emails in super small fonts!

In the age when smartphones are evolving into bigger and bigger tablet forms, Samsung stops and takes a step backward one too many and thinks that we the public are ready to go small again – tiny small that is.

Smart watches are hardly new - here's Bill Gates showing one off in 2004—but the technology is finally mature enough for them to become mainstream.
Smart watches are hardly new – here’s Bill Gates showing one off in 2004—but the technology is finally mature enough for them to become mainstream.

The fact is I am not ready to compromise my screen size which I already think is small compared to what I was using a year back (I was using the iPad now I have switched to the NEXUS 7). Now they are telling me I need to get an even smaller screen just for keeping up with the trends of technology? No “thank-you” Samsung or any other manufactures who follows suit – because that is the normal trend that digital gadget manufacturers follow, copy what is selling.

Though the concept of a smart watch is as old as Bill Gates (see picture), it never did catch up with us consumers due to the fact that it is a “silly device”. But why Samsung went and actually started manufacturing these watches is something we have to wait and watch.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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