Why did Avijit Roy go back to Bangladesh?
American atheist blogger, Avijit Roy, who spoke out against religious extremism and intolerance has been hacked to death in Bangladesh.
The news media around the world is giving coverage to this gruesome assassination of a radical free-thinker who had a lovely wife, daughter, a good paying job and a house in a nice neighborhood in the US.
None on the media are reporting as to why someone who had to leave everything in the US and actually go back to a country where his death was imminent.
Dr Avijit Roy, 42, from Atlanta, Georgia, was jumped by the gang of machete-wielding assailants last night in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh – leaving his injured wife standing over his bleeding body. He is well-known in Bangladesh for for his outspoken atheism.
Only as a radical free-thinker one can associate with the weight of the highly intellectual mind of Avijit Roy, and what that caliber mind would crave for. That is fight for freedom till the very end, fight for what you believe in – also – till the very end.
One must mention that what he thought of he wrote about. It was his opinion and understanding of this world. It was how he saw this world with his eyes and his mind.

But that is no reason to eliminate someone who has a good life in a developed part of this world. But of course he left that very safe place and ended up a chaotic and very dangerous part of the world – Bangladesh.
Why he ended up there one would never understand. Maybe it was his parents who he had to see or his wife’s parents who wanted to see them again after a long gap, or maybe it was just that he wanted to publish his books and sell it in a chaotic and violent country in order to tame it?
We may never know the actual truth. But this much is for sure, one had to loose his life in the hands of individuals who had very weak or no proper education which would have enlightened him on how the modern day world works.
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The classical signature strike on the head or rather the “blow of machete” to the mind. This in turn signifies that the victim was thinking for himself and asking common sense questions. Henceforth the brain (intellect) is targeted & terminated.