How the Bi-cycle Saddle could Ruin your Prostate

I am a believer in global warming, in this day and age it’s hard to find someone who has full confidence on oneself in thinking that there is no climate change occurring. The world’s climate is getting more and more chaotic as day’s go by making weather predictions very unpredictable.

So I started believing in riding the bi-cycle and started thinking of myself as a nature lover and Earth lover. Even though there were so many instances and periods when I thought to myself “How come everyone else is driving an automobile and are very happy and comfortable with their life’s”.


So I rode the bi-cycle for a year and soon started realizing that my prostrate is getting more and more painful. I started to get painful electrical shocks all over my bladder and scrotum as I ejaculated during maturation or sex. I started to get worried that something is terribly wrong with my health. I get depressed and start to have dark thoughts about some incurable disease which will end my sex life.

Then I do what I always do when come and face a blank wall – I start Googling. Google results leads me to a very strange discovery. Bikers around the world are on forums discussing the ill-effects of bi-cycle saddles on male prostrates. They were writing about how they lost their erections after riding for hours on hard surfaced bi-cycle saddles and how they were getting Prostatitis.

Can bike riding cause prostatitis? Cycling is great exercise for you, but it can lead to repetitive trauma to your prostate. Riding a bike can cause irritation to the prostate, which can lead to chronic prostatitis or chronic pain similar to chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). Cycling can also negatively affect your fertility. Only a small number of riders get prostatitis from riding their bikes, but it is good for all male riders to take preventive action and know how to recognize the signs prostatitis.

What Is Prostatitis?

Chronic prostatitis, or CPPS, is inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Symptoms can last over a year (if the cycling saddle has not been modified) without evidence of a urinary tract infection. Symptoms may include:

  • Lower back pain (which does not seem to get better over time)
  • Abdominal pain (which feels like cramps or constipation)
  • Frequent urination (specially during sleeping hours)
  • Problems with urination (problems with flow, incomplete emptying of the bladder, or dribbling)
  • Pain while urinating
  • Pain with bowels movements (specially on the rectum area)
  • Pain in other areas such as the scrotum, urethra, tip of the penis, or between the genitals and anus (to the point where masturbation or sexual stimulation is not possible)
  • Post-ejaculatory pain is associated with CPPS (Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome) and can differentiate it from BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia).
  • Low libido (no sexual attraction to the opposite sex)
  • Erectile dysfunction (no erection even after sexual simulations)

The ongoing pressure and stimulation of the prostate area can lead to chronic prostatitis. Use of antibiotics is controversial, as bacteria is not thought to be a cause of chronic prostatitis. Sometimes patients are put on weeks or months of antibiotics without relief. Nonbacterial prostatitis will not respond to antibiotics. Sometimes alpha-blockers are prescribed to help with urine flow, but some can have negative sexual side effects, so be sure to research medications carefully. Doctors also may recommend or prescribe pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, or muscle relaxants. Patients looking for more natural ways to treat prostatitis may turn to supplements that support prostate health.

Other activities that can irritate the prostate area and lead to chronic prostatitis include infectious agents, heavy lifting, jogging, horseback riding, structural abnormalities of the urinary tract, muscle spasm in pelvic muscles, and jobs that apply powerful vibrations to the prostate area such as driving a truck or operating certain machinery.

Men who have prostatitis should limit having pressure on the thigh area. Men have to avoid cycling on nose saddles during episodes of prostatitis or CPPS.

Modification of the saddle

One can modify the saddle on the bi-cycle and switch to a nose-less saddle if one wishes to continue cycling for health and recreations.

Heavier riders may be more at risk of arterial compression damage because of the greater weight that’s placed on the perineum. If you’re in this category, you should consider a wider saddle with extra padding.

The Schwinn No Pressure Bike Seat can be used on your bike or exercise machine. It features an innovative design that reduces pressure point contacts and relieves pressure from sensitive areas. This comfortable bike seat is made from a tough high-density fabric that makes it durable to withstand everyday wear and tear. It is also weather resistant for added durability.

Buy it on ebay.

Most men are not aware of the relationship between their bike and their erections. My final advice for good health is that men shouldn’t necessarily ride farther but ride a lot smarter.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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