Bangladesh Turns Slaughter-House for Bloggers

Bangladesh has seen the eighth murder of a blogger with secularist views in 2015. Islamic extremists in Bangladesh appear to be taking their war on secular writers and bloggers. Bangladeshi dissident bloggers around the world are being targeted by a terrorist group associated with Al Qaeda.

Another secular blogger was hacked to death and three other people were severely wounded in two separate attacks in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka City on Halloween Day 2015.

A spokesman of Dhaka Metropolitan Police told journalists that unidentified assailants were involved in the attacks, though Al-Qaeda India have claimed responsibility in all of the attacks and killing.

Publisher and secular blogger Faisal Arefin Dipan was hacked and beheaded inside his publication office in Dhaka’s Shahbagh area while three others, also secular bloggers, were hacked and one was shot all while working in their offices in Dhaka’s Lalmatia area.

Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, or AQIS, claimed responsibility for the assaults, saying Dipan and the others made derogatory remarks about Islam and the Prophet.

Both Dipon and Ahmedur Rashid Tutul, who are being treated at Dhaka Medical College Hospital with head wounds inflicted by Chinese machetes , published books of slain Bangladesh-born American blogger and writer Avijit Roy who was murdered in a similar attack in an annual book fair on Dhaka University campus in February.

READ MORE : When Words Threaten

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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