Pakistan reacts to Obscenity on local Newspaper’s Frontpage
Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri has posed in a sin-tight red dress that shows her ass bulging in an advertisement on the front page of leading Pakistani Urdu newspaper Jang.

The advertisement has created controversy and has stirred social media sites where local Pakistani people have condemned it by calling the advertisement “absurd and obscene”, reports NDTV.
READ MORE : This Is What Nargis Fakhri Said About The Pakistani Ad That Sparked Outrage!
On Twitter site many journalists have condemned the “sexual obscenity” of the ad, which shows Nargis lying down with a phone in her hand in a red dress with her cute ass bulging out.
Pakistani investigative journalist Ansar Abbasi was the first one to condemn the ad on the micro-blogging site Twitter while others later joined him.