Demonic Realm of the Adult Film Industry
Every porn star has a direct demonic influence in his or her life. A person’s entrance into the porn industry is the gateway for this influence. Each person has a specific demon, or multiple demons, assigned to him or her. When several porn stars gather together on set to shoot a porn, all of those demons are converging together in one place which is why the atmosphere on a porn set is so dark and heavy. There are multiple demons gathered together in one place.
The thing about the porn industry, these people are prone to deception even before they enter the industry. They do not enter the industry, then become deceived. They are damaged and victimized people who believe the lies that they are worthless, and only good for sex.
The people on the porn set are completely oblivious to the spiritual inner workings going on around them, due to several reasons.
For one thing, porn stars have their senses numbed by drugs and alcohol. It is common knowledge that drug use makes a person more susceptible to demonic influence. Drugs are directly tied to sorcery in the Bible, and most pagan cultures use drugs in their religious rituals. In the case of paganism, drugs are used to heighten spiritual awareness but on a porn set, they are used to dull the senses, making a person more willing to do things that a typical person in a normal state of mind would never do.
Nevertheless, drug use (including drug use in the porn industry) always provides a direct gateway for demonic activity, whether the person using is aware of this or not. The frightening thing about porn is that there is already such heavy demonic activity on set the drug use simply adds to it.
The porn stars who are outside getting high are actually opening themselves up for increased demonic influence in their lives. Anyone involved in the occult will tell you that drug use provides a direct gateway to the spiritual realm. Those in the porn industry are under the control of two different entities – the demonic realm which controls the industry, and the mind-altering drugs which numb them to any sense of spiritual awareness.
The longer one remains in the porn industry, the harder that person gets, and the more they try to justify their decision to make porn. The use of pornography provides a direct gateway for demonic influence, and every video or website opens another door. When a person uses pornography, he is allowing for the demonic forces which control the porn industry to infiltrate his life and his home. There is a huge supernatural element to porn addiction, which involves spiritual bondage. Willpower is not enough to break this powerful hold. Whenever a person watches pornography, it goes beyond merely giving into some carnal desire, or fulfilling the lust of the flesh. A person is actually tapping into the demonic realm by actively participating in an industry that is controlled by Satan.
Besides the drugs, those in the porn industry have typically been so abused, wounded, and broken down in life that their psyche has been damaged, and they have become hard. They enter the porn industry with a completely erroneous view of morality and sexuality. People who get into porn rarely, if ever, consider the moral consequences of their actions; in fact, their moral compass is completely shifted, and their view of sexuality as it relates to others and themselves is highly abnormal. The fact that they do not hold a healthy view of themselves, others, or life in general leaves a huge wide-open door for Satan to come in and completely deceive them.
A person can actually become controlled by his desire for porn this is demonic influence.
I couldn’t find a better definition of Pornography.
I absolutely 100% agree with this article.
There is no question: Pornography is the twisted manipulation of innocence for the raw crave of erotic appetite.