India Bans Muslim Girls Sex Film, Avoids Rioting & Massacre

An Award winning 2016 film titled “Lipstick Under My Burkha” has been Banned in India by  film censor board (CBFC) denying it’s theatrical release. The film won the Spirit of Asia award at the Tokyo International Film Festival and the Oxfam award for best film on gender equality at the Mumbai Film Festival.

The censor board letter stated: ‘The story is lady oriented, their fantasy above (sic) life. There are contanious (sic) sexual scenes, abusive words, audio pornography and a bit sensitive touch about one particular section of society, hence film refused under guidelines (sic)…’

The move has sparked a furious response from the director and is the latest case to highlight fears over creative freedom in the country.

Lipstick Under My Burka is about sexually liberated Muslim women. The movie tells the secret lives of four women including a college student who wears a burka, and a 55-year-old who rediscovers a sex life after the death of her husband. The are shown to transform from ordinary conservative religiously guided women (widow) to vulgar nymphomaniacs who records themselves having sex with strangers and telecast it live on Facebook to audiences around the world.

The Indian government is more worried about riots breaking out in the local religious communities and in majority Muslim nations across the globe then it is worried about “creative freedom” of the country. The CBFC said that the film had transgressed its guidelines on: “vulgarity, obscenity or depravity;” “scenes degrading or denigrating women;” “sexual violence against women;” “sexual perversions;” and “visuals or words contemptuous of racial, religious or other groups.”

For now the movie trailer is still floating on the internet and reveals enough to instigate violence in sensitive religious communities in India and around the world. YouTube has since removed the trailer but Dailymotion has this trailer video on it’s website.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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