The New is Almost a Blog with Pictures of Naked Women

Well, that’s interesting. The New is a Blog with Pictures of Naked Women – hmm… now what website does that remind you of? perhaps? no? Just checking.

 has been completely revamped and is now resembling and that is exactly what I would want them to do with the site. Good for them. But, of course, I’m ambitious enough that I think what they don’t have is, well, me. Given some power over the content of that domain, I could do some really cool stuff. I would change the site so it was a direct competitor to NUTS UK maybe.

That is my opinion of what could have been instead.

But still the new site design does seem to be more useful and informative now then ever before. It’s no where near as edgy and hip as one would have in mind – it’s still not a blog completely and it seems kind of bland given the naked women photo resources they have at hand — but that’s just me and my thoughts on the new website. Hopefully they’re a lot smarter than and have a lot more women resources than e-cloudy will ever have.

Playboy also has a new section called Playboy Plus. Where readers and viewers can have a glimpse of completely naked women upon paying for a subscription fee. Now a days everything seems to carry a “Plus” edition. Yes I am talking about the iPhone 6 Plus.

Author: ecloudy

I live in the United States, meditate, do Zen and help people find meaning to present day religious conflicts. Read my opinions (on religion) to find out how I changed my thoughts on life, religion and God - sharing my knowledge and life experiences with you, now doing so living in a country which destiny chose for me.

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